New Officers Elected!

Elder Brothers, Elections occurred last evening for the 2011 Spring semester. The new officers will assume power in January, which will allow for some transition time for the new officer to learn the position and create his goals further in advance. Without further adieu, they are:

Phi: Dodds Anderson Alpha Phi: Greg Mummah Gamma: Justin Persin Sigma: Brendan Farley Delta: Sohail Syed Alpha Sigma: Jamie Zajac Sigma Rho: Joseph Novek

Supreme Council: Mario Iacuone, Sohail Syed, Edward Reis, Justin Persin, and Jamie Zajac

House Manager: Greg Mummah Kitchen Manager: Mario Iacuone Recruitment: Dan Barrett (chairman), Arthur Chen (assistant), Stephen Kracunas (pledge liaison) Risk Manager: Ryan Vasko Pledgemaster: Justin Persin Community Service Chairman: Sohail Syed Scholarship Chairman: Greg Mummah Social Chairmen: Justin Persin and Mario Iacuone Sports Chairman: Justin Persin Stewards: Redon Qello and Matthew Pooley* Dairy Fairy: Redon Qello

*Note that Matthew Pooley is a social brother. We really appreciate his willingness to volunteer for the chapter.

Please contact me with any concerns, comments, or goals you would like to see the Pi Chapter of Zeta Psi to complete or work towards in the upcoming year.

In Tau Kappa Phi, Dodds Anderson