The First Week of Rush

As both classes and extracurricular get underway, so begins rush and meeting potential future brothers. Rush Chairman Daniel Bruce ’16 has done a great job at recruiting a number of freshmen, as well as managing the recruiting process all around. This past Saturday, August 31, we held our first rush event, called “Smokeout”, at the Zeta Psi property. Nine racks of ribs, over 30 pounds of chicken, and a nice big brisket made sure that there was plenty of food to go around. 20+ rushees that came out to the event, met all the brothers, took tours of the house, and left with a very full stomach. We still have many more rush events and therefore opportunities to get our name out there and continue talking to the underclassmen. Our next event is the Zetes-traditional Taco Tuesday, held at the house. Events continue almost every day until a planned overnight trip to Lake George on September 13. Bid Dinner is scheduled for September 17.

All active Pi Zetes are very excited for what is already turning out to be a great group of potential new members.