The latest financial reports can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
Get ready for the Pi Chapter annual Alumni Weekend, to be held 26-28th, 2019! Hotel and registration details available.
Pi Zetes at the Sunday Brunch inauguration of "Zeta Psi Presentation Room" in the Folsom Library. Design and build of the room funded by our $75,000 gift to RPI in honor of our 150th Anniversary last year.
The latest financial reports can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
The latest financial reports can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
The latest financial reports can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
The latest financial reports can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
The latest financial reports can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
The latest financial reports can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
Here's a message from Frank to the email list. If you did not get the email, kindly let us know.
Hello Brothers…
I’d like to borrow just a few moments of your time with a few reminders / announcements:
1) Mailings - You should have received the ouRPI and Alumni Weekend postcard reminder in the mail over the last few months. If you don’t recall seeing those, please send me your current mailing address and I’ll check it against our database. An online copy of the last ouRPI can be found here:
2) Alumni Weekend 2013 is not far off! April 26th – 28th ! I’ve included the schedule for your reference at the end of this email. Please make your reservations soon @ the Hilton Garden Inn – use Group Code ZPAR to get the $109 rate – don’t delay. Also, online registration is OPEN at the following URL: The upcoming ouRPI will also have details and a paper registration form as well.
3) Facebook – like our page if you haven’t already! URL is: You’ll find a ton of photos that have been uploaded and grouped into albums.
4) Donations – as always, your donations are an important part of sustaining the Pi Chapter. Brother Harvey Poppel ’58 has once again posed a challenge by matching any amount over $50 given by a member of the Class of 1997 or later. Please consider taking advantage of his generous offer!!! Visit:
ALUMNI WEEKEND 2013 – APR 26th – 28th
FRIDAY, APRIL 26TH 4PM: Golf at Brunswick Greens 6PM: Happy Hour at the Recovery Room 9PM: AW Kickoff, Open Bar, and Bowling! Uncle Sam’s Lanes, 600 Fulton Street, Troy
SATURDAY, APRIL 27TH 10AM: Annual Business Meeting at the Chapter House 12PM: BBQ at the Chapter House 2PM: Soccer Tournament at the Armory 6PM: Cocktail Hour at the Hilton Garden Inn 7PM: Banquet at the Hilton Garden Inn
SUNDAY, APRIL 28TH 10AM: Brunch at the Chapter House 12PM: Photos and Goodbyes at the Chapter House
That’s it for now! The next ouRPI should be arriving in your mailboxes within a week, so keep an eye out for that as well, and hope to see you at Alumni Weekend!
In Tau Kappa Phi…. Frank Harrington ‘91
Happy New Year. 2013 will prove to be an exceptional one at the Pi Chapter. The latest financial reports can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
They can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
They can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
They can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
We cannot publish meaningful Elder financial reports this month. RPI does not provide data as to who has paid and who hasn't, so reports are quite meaningless. Please stay tuned and we will publish them as soon as possible.
They can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
They can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
They can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
RPI paid us a couple of weeks ago, but they normally do not provide the details of their early payments until the middle of the semester. So, any financial reports published now are meaningless. Financial reports will be published as soon as possible.
Just a reminder that we are having a Directors meeting this Saturday at the RPI Union. We've reserved Room 2424 from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM, although the meeting should not take that long. Lunch will be provided.
They can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
The annual January Directors' meeting will take place in Troy on Saturday, January 28. We have Room 2424 (the Patroon Room) at the Union from 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Room 2424 is on the main floor of the Union. Refreshments will be provided.
Hope to see you all there.