The latest financial reports can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
Get ready for the Pi Chapter annual Alumni Weekend, to be held 26-28th, 2019! Hotel and registration details available.
Pi Zetes at the Sunday Brunch inauguration of "Zeta Psi Presentation Room" in the Folsom Library. Design and build of the room funded by our $75,000 gift to RPI in honor of our 150th Anniversary last year.
The latest financial reports can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
The actives held elections for the upcoming semester this evening. Here are the results: Supreme Council – Ryan Belbey ’15, Arjun Chavern ’15, Brian Hatcher ’16, Zach Yakel ’17, and Sean Carey ’17 House Manager – Rob Orban ’16 Risk Manager – Sam Waddell ’17 Pledgemaster – Sean Sanford ’16 Rush Chairman – Pat Ducey ’17 Assistant Rush Chairman – Zach Yakel ’17 and Brian Hatcher ’16 Social Chairman – Sean Sanford ’16 Assistant Social Chairman – Ryan Belbey ’15 and Zach Yakel ’17 Scholarship Chairman – Craig Fitzgerald ’16 Philanthropy Chairman – Michael Scocozza ’16 Sports Chairman – Sam Waddell ’17 Sober D Chairman – Nathaniel Haskell ’14 IT Chairman – Daniel Bruce ’16 Steward – Daniel Bruce ’16 and Rob Orban ’16 Chef – Ryan Belbey ’15, James Jakobek ’15, Arjun Chavern ’15, and Daniel Bruce ’16 Milkman – Nicholas Davis ’17
It was decided during the semester that officers will hold calendar year terms. For reference the officers, which therefore hold office until December, are:
President – Joshua Dugas ’15 Vice President – Alec Vogel ’16 Secretary – Brian Hatcher ’16 Corresponding Secretary – Craig Fitzgerald ’16 Historian – Daniel Bruce ’16 Sergeant-at-Arms – Rob Orban ’16
The position of treasurer will be held by Zach Yakel ’17, as former treasurer Michael Scocozza ’16 has elected to live out of the house in the fall.
The latest financial reports can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
The latest financial reports can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
The latest financial reports can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
The latest financial reports can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
The latest financial reports can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
The latest financial reports can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
Happy New Year. 2013 will prove to be an exceptional one at the Pi Chapter. The latest financial reports can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
Brothers can access them here:
A summary appears below.
Contact Sean Dempsey with questions.
They can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
They can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
They can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
Please find the Active's financial reports and receipts here:
Contact Sean Dempsey with questions.
We cannot publish meaningful Elder financial reports this month. RPI does not provide data as to who has paid and who hasn't, so reports are quite meaningless. Please stay tuned and we will publish them as soon as possible.
They can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
They can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
They can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
They can be found here:
Please contact Michael Bruce with questions.
Elder dues are $50/year. Paying them entitles you to be an Elder in good standing and allows you to vote at the Annual Meeting at Alumni Weekend. So, if you haven't done so, visit today!